Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Puto Flan recipe

We made Puto Flan yesterday with my kids.

Puto flan is combining two of my favourite Filipino desserts, the leche flan ( that calls for another recipe to be shared here) and the puto into one delightful desserts. 

Sounds appetizing, isn't it? 

If you can see from the ingredients, the puto is only consist of the egg whites while the flan is with the yolks. You may beat the egg whites until into soft peaks before combining the rest of its ingredients or just simply add the egg whites. 

It was delish that we ate it all in one go. Oppps!

Alrighty, how to make this....well, read on.

For the flan ( yellow portion) we need:
- 5 egg yolks
- 3/4 cup (190g) condensed milk

* combine egg yolk and condensed milk. Mix them all together until incorporated. Sieve it then put into your puto moulders. About 1/4 portion of your moulder.

For the Puto:
- 1 cup all purpose flour
- 1/2 tablespoon + 1 tsp. of baking powder
- 1/4 tsp. of salt  or pinch of salt
- 1/2 cup white sugar
- 1/2 cup evaporated milk ( you can add more up to 1/4 cup of your batter is too dry or too thick)
- 1 large egg white
- 2 tbsp. melted butter

* combine flour, baking power and salt in a sifter. Add sugar and mix. Slowly add the evaporated milk, melted butter and large egg whites. Or you may also beat the egg whites until foamy or reach it stiff peak. Combine into your flour mixture slowly until well mixed. Set aside.

To Steam:

Heat your steamer to medium-low heat. Then put the flan in your moulder. steam flan for 5 mins in medium-low heat. Pour batter and steam again fro another 10-12 minutes. Let them cool completely before removing from the moulder for the flan to set. 

Serve and enjoy over warm tea or coffee. 

This is good homemade gifts to friends and special someone. 
Good desserts after a heavy meal.
Good small business if you are stay-at-home mum.
A good bonding activity with your children right at the comfort of your home.

As always,

SMACZNEGO! (polish word which means 'enjoy your meal or bon appetite)




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